Friday, April 7, 2006

tooth and consequences

It had to happen eventually and now it has: Gaz has bloodied her mouth. I was brushing my teeth after my shower this morning and Mark was hanging out with Gaz in the living room. (Lisa's home sick, so Mark's taking some vacation days to cover our childcare needs.) Just as I turned off the faucet I heard the tell-tale pain howls that usually mean that she's just bonked her head or she's aggressively cutting a tooth. I threw open the bathroom door to find Mark coming toward me with Gaz in his arms, blood on his chest, her chin, and her shirt.

Seems she had been goofing around while standing at the coffee table. She lost her footing and crack! Chin hits table and tongue, which is perpetually sticking out of her mouth, gets impaled by tiny sharp teeth on the delicate underside. Once I got a hold of her she quieted right down and started smiling so much I couldn't get her to open her mouth for me to have a look. Figures. Just call me mammabalm. She periodically had whining episodes before I left for work (late, because I had to help comfort the upset Gaz who wasn't always sure if she wanted Mama or Daddy), but seemed to be generally no worse for the wear.

I'm proud of my little girl for bouncing back so easily, thankful that she bit a part of her tongue that doesn't interfere with nursing (no more nursing strikes!), and pleased that Mark and I both managed to handle things without freaking out. We're the level head twins. But now we've resolved to not let her near the coffee table without really, really close supervision, at least until she's steadier on her feet.

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