Wednesday, May 31, 2006

onward an upward

Gaz has figured out how to climb unassisted onto not only the couch, but also the coffee table.

I picked up a bib to hang back up on our bibhangeronthing and when I turned around she was sitting on the coffee table, throwing around one of her Five Little Monkeys dolls.

We are now contemplating alternative placements of coffee table that don't involve the living room. If you have a suggestion, please let us know. We're out of ideas and I don't want to lose my coffee table!


Melanie said...

Hmmm, it's probably not too practical to fence it off, either. :)

Lovely Wife George said...

We could put it on the other side of the fence, but that would be in the way of some of the dining room stuff. The library is already (over)full, which leaves us with our bedroom or her bedroom, neither of which she has free access to or opportunity to clamor around. One of those will probably end up being its final destination. We're still pondering, though, and keeping a very close eye on her in the meantime.