Saturday, September 3, 2011


From G's FB status:

Cristina George Rizen
Gaz's first Star Wars RPG game was a rousing success!

  • Mark Mitchell: She got bored during the description parts, and a lot of the plan-making and such, but she did really well with the action scenes and the one segment where we asked her to role-play. We fed her some lines, but she did the performance and came up with her own expressions and reactions. It was awesome. Well, within the realm of gamer "awesome."
  • Cristina George Rizen: And since it edged into bedtime, we started losing her earlier than she might otherwise have been okay for.
  • Bill Sanderson: Hey, maybe Fletcher can play over Skype. He's been bugging me again recently to play again.


Niki said...

sigh... Star Wars: The Next Generation...
makes me miss being Gyadin

Mark said...

Well, if the game weren't set during the same time period as when Gyadin and crew were coming up, I could have had a cameo, but they're contemporaries... lol