Monday, March 17, 2008

Inquiring Gazes Want to Know

Mark returned home from work and Gaz asked him, "Daddy, did you loose some liquid?" We don't know what she meant by that, but we agree that it's funny.

ETA: Just when I thought it was safe to blog, Gaz, who is now painting at the dining room table, just remarked, "I try really hard to paint, but Daddy keeps bothering me!" (For the record, Daddy was trying to discourage her from getting paint on the table. Our little artist is apparently quite sensitive, not to mention headstrong. Whatta combo.)

Oh, and I just remembered that Saturday when we got in the car to go up to Wisconsin, she asked, "Um . . . Mark, can you turn on the heater?" Which is exactly what Grandma Judy said when she was last a passenger in Ookla. Gotta love that little myna bird.


Christina said...

Sounds like she needs an art table of her own!

Lovely Wife George said...

She does have a little table and chairs from Ikea, and an easel (which unfortunately isn't so good for running paper through--beware the Ikea easel!), but the table is only for either holding piles of toys or for "TEA PARTIES!" (always shouted). I'm trying to figure out how to redirect her to the easel, but it will probably involve some more thinking. And probably also the gluing of some dowel rods in strategic locations so that the paper lays flat.