Thursday, April 29, 2010

Star Wars Ice Cream

So, as we often do, we're talking Star Wars, and playing nonsense word games. And somehow, the conversation got to making a Chewbacca out of ice cream.

"And then you could eat all of him," she says, "especially his eyeballlllllssss!!!" She really drew that last word out. Then she pauses, and continues in a sprightly tone. "I tell ya, they're quite delicious."

Of course, if she had access to an ice cream Luke Skywalker, she'd eat his stomach. "I would destroy him and eat him!" she said repeatedly.

While trying to get into Blogger and tell you this, she would not stop pestering me. Even now, she is trying to lick my feet to gross me out (it's working!). But knowing that people on the internet are going to be reading what she's been saying, she wanted me to tell you all she wanted to eat your brains, because she's a zombie. And, like a real zombie, she has no shame about it.

That's my girl!


Niki said...

I prefer it when the undead are upfront about their intentions.

Mark said...

Indeed. The honesty is refreshing, actually