Saturday, October 15, 2011


So, the other week, Gaz and I were doing the weekly shopping, such as we usually do, and we ended up taking a turn down the toy aisles in Costco. She did the usual “ooh, look at the cute Hello Kitty thing!” and “wow, Barbie laptop!” and “that's a great kitchen set” sort of business, and I was all “yeah, yeah, very nice.” But we went down the other aisle, then, and she's all “Awesome, Legos!” and “that's a cool model car” and “I want that science set, it's got a real microscope!” and … you know, I couldn't muster the same sort of annoyance.

Oh, we still didn't buy anything, I told her that up front, but I was just pleased that her interests range all over the place. I think it would have been more egalitarian of Costco to organize their toys more randomly, mixing up the science kits with the Barbie playsets, but I'm not in control of those things, sadly.

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