Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Seven Random Things

To give you an idea of what today has been like so far:

- Gaz enjoys wearing nothing but some pull-ups and sunglasses while running around the dining room table singing "Jingle Bells."

- Gaz says that The Velveteen Rabbit is full of "nothing but bills" when she flips through its pages.

- Gaz has a yellow dump truck named Daddy Truck and a small blue and red garbage truck named Baby Truck, and me giving these trucks voices is more important to her than me scheduling a doctor appointment.

- Gaz says "Every time I ask, you say 'be patient.'"

- Gaz likes chichimilk, but Baby Truck prefers gasoline. Gaz still offers chichimilk to all of her toys, just to be polite I guess.

- Loves teeny tiny mints, but will eventually cave to demands that she eat a meal composed of real food before she can have one.

- Yesterday Gaz ran off with one of my bao, talking to it and cradling it for most of our train ride home from downtown until it was nice and cold, which was when she suddenly decided to eat half of it and give the rest back to me.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I can't stop laughing at the "nothing but bills"!