Saturday, May 22, 2010


It's been a bit of a cranky week, for no reason we can easily determine, but last night we had good old Uncle Greg stay over, and she got to see him off this morning. She wouldn't go over and give him a hug, but when he was standing on his way out, she threw her arms around his knees and said "If your legs were Jell-o, I'd eat them up!"

I'm sure it was meant fondly.

Jello Legs! Sounds like it oughta be a nickname of some sort. "Hey, there, Jello Legs, you seen Google Brain around?" "Last I knew, she was going out to the store with Fan Hands."

... Like I need more nicknames in my life.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Wasn't there a blues guitar player in the 20s named Jello Legs?...