Monday, November 21, 2005

momma update

Things going on with ye olde Gaz Momma:

My deQuervain's tendinitis seems to be responding to the splint and cortisone injection. I've trained myself to pick up Gaz in a way that doesn't aggravate any swollen tendons and life is generally better in the wrist department. I may even be able to knit again soon!

Sleep deprivation hasn't been a huge problem for me (thank you, daughter dearest!) but when it happens the first thing to go is my ability to carry on a sensible, adult phone conversation. Sorry Angeli. ;)

Pumpin' ain't easy. But it's worth it to keep my milk up for Gaz to enjoy for as long as her little heart desires. Truly a labor of love. Speaking of, it's time to go do that now.

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