Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Umm. . .

Nineteen pounds, ladies and gents. Ninteen!

Hopefully the Ultimate Baby Wrap will work its magic so that Lisa doesn't end up with damaged arms or anything of the sort from holding beefy Gazes all day long.

Side note: when I was showing Gaz "the baby in the mirror" while I demonstrated how comfy and secure the aforementioned UBW is, I saw the beginnings of understanding dawning on my daughter: the momma in the mirror is the same one who talks behind her, and the "other" baby is . . . well, one step at a time. It was hilarious and amazing to watch her go from staring at me in the mirror to trying to twist her head around to see me, like she wondering how I could be in two places at once.

Very cool. It's the science experiment that keeps on giving.

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